Crane Hire AMC, Crane Hire Near Australian Marine Complex

Perth Crane - Mobile Cranes Perth


Photo of Ashburton Crane Hire at the AMC lifting prefabricated minerals processing plant equipment. A Western Australian lithium company hired two cranes to lift heavy ship cargo from a boat docked at the Australian Marine Complex wharf near the Port of Fremantle. The synchronised cranes lifted the heavy loads to low loading trucks for transport to a big new lithium plant project at the heavy industrial zone at Kwinana.

Our hired cranes followed the trucks from the AMC wharf to the Kwinana industrial complex to unload and lift into position the heavy lithium mineral processing plant equipment.

Ashburton crane hire Fremantle is often hired for loading and unloading at the Port of Frementle and at the AMC at nearby Henderson next to Kwinana. We are experienced in boat lifting Perth wide and boat moving services near the Australian Marine Complex. Two or more cranes can be hired for lifting big boats, boat engines and other heavy marine equipment.

boat lifting

Ashburton Crane Hire Perth hope the AMC/Western Australia are successful in winning the Australian submarine maintenance contract for 2020 and look forward to helping at the AMC with lifting submarine marine equipment.

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